Monday 11 January 2016

Importance of Scrum Certification

We will attempt to do a quick overview of some of the Scrum certifications that are currently being offered.
Then, we will talk about figuring out the right trainer. It is beneficial to find a Scrum trainer with the background as yours however it is not an absolute requirement. The methodology and the style of the Scrum training can vary from trainer to trainer, so you should try to figure out which one suits your learning style.
The biggest positive of a formal Scrum training is that you learn everything in a controlled environment. You meet people who are also there to learn about Scrum and in case you have common background, it helps to understand the process and difficulties of implementation from outsider’s point of view. A formal training also helps you understand about the mistake which you may make due to the traditional project management concepts rooted in you.
The main purpose of any certification is to impart a common baseline of the knowledge. These Scrum certifications, compared to any other project management certifications have a very easy test. You should remember that getting a Scrum certificate is way easier than the implementing actual Scrum methodology.
Scrum/Agile methodology in general gives you a lot of freedom in how you implement it. However you should avoid changing the essence of the whole process. These project managers are commonly referred as Scrumbut. The common suggestion is that you start to implement Scrum as-is until you understand it properly and then decide for yourself what you might want to change. After a while you may find that you don’t need to change anything at all.
You need to understand that nothing is more valuable than experience. Scrum or Agile Certification may only add some credibility and marketability to the individual.

This content is borrowed from (Original URL: )

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Scrum Project Manager

Create User Stories - In this process, User Stories and their related User Story Acceptance Criteria are created. User Stories are usually written by the Product Owner and are designed to ensure that the customer's requirements are clearly depicted and can be fully understood by all stakeholders. User Story Writing Exercises may be held which involves Scrum Team members creating the User Stories. User Stories are incorporated into the Prioritized Product Backlog. - See more at:
SCRUM is a considered to be set of guidelines that oversee the growth process of a product, from its design phase to its completion. Scrum is one among several agile methods that practices an iterative and incremental procedure in the course of development of a project.

As per SCRUM, a project is divided into what is known as sprint or iteration. Each sprint is timeboxed usually between 2 weeks to a maximum of a month. After a sprint, the team meets and reviews the progress of the project. Here team tries to identify the problems encountered during the sprint and formulates the objectives for the next sprint. In the course of every sprint the team analyses and works on user requirements (also known as user stories) in order to confirm that after every sprint, user needs are taken into consideration and are being satisfied.

One important aspect of SCRUM to note is that it depends on self-organisation. Self-organisation helps the team to achieve the goal by following the most resourceful path with the available resources, knowledge, skills and abilities. This allows team to experiment with different approaches, to analyse and to learn from their failures and to improve.

In a self-organised team, there is no one elected as team leader. The teams work cross-functionally and the team is responsible as a whole in decision making.
SCRUM has been successfully engaged in many companies in many different fields and has achieved outstanding results.

Listed below are few of methodologies used in SCRUM:
Burn down charts : This chart is used to track the progress achieved during the course of the project against the release plan using a release burndown chart. This chart is updated at the end of each sprint by the ScrumMaster.

Stand up meeting: The team meets every day for a swift status update. The meeting is usually time boxed for 15 minutes.
In this meeting everyone tries to answer the three questions
  •                         What did you do yesterday
  •                         What are you going to do today?
  •                          What are the challenges you are facing?

Product backlog : It is prioritized list of all the desired changes to the product being developed which is done by the Product Owner.
  • This is used to record requests for modifying a product.  This is used to add new features, changing old features, removing features and fixing issues.

Create User Stories - In this process, User Stories and their related User Story Acceptance Criteria are created. User Stories are usually written by the Product Owner and are designed to ensure that the customer's requirements are clearly depicted and can be fully understood by all stakeholders. User Story Writing Exercises may be held which involves Scrum Team members creating the User Stories. User Stories are incorporated into the Prioritized Product Backlog. - See more at: 
Acknowledgement: The content is borrowed from (original blog url:
Create User Stories - In this process, User Stories and their related User Story Acceptance Criteria are created. User Stories are usually written by the Product Owner and are designed to ensure that the customer's requirements are clearly depicted and can be fully understood by all stakeholders. User Story Writing Exercises may be held which involves Scrum Team members creating the User Stories. User Stories are incorporated into the Prioritized Product Backlog. - See more at:
The Plan and Estimate phase consists of following five processes:
- See more at:
The Plan and Estimate phase consists of following five processes:
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